Salt & Pilpel

Connecting Jewish Americans and Israelis in North NJ

About April 1, 2010

Salt and Pepper or Melach and Pilpel are used in most dishes. They add flavor and were once traded expensively, hence the Hebrew saying: Melach Haaretz or in English: Salt of the earth to indicate quality.

We live in Northern New Jersey and were lucky to meet many quality Jewish people, so we thought a mutual benefit would be served by combining all into one dish, one friendship, where talents and strengths are shared to the benefit of all members.

Our goal is  to join Jewish hearts through gatherings, activities, sharing information, special deals, tips and thoughts. Thus we opened this blog, in which YOU are welcome to write, suggest, comment and tip others with good advice, marvelous deals and just anything that can benefit our Jewish community.

Who are we?

Sheli Heksch-Agassi s a business woman, community involved mom, wife, amusing and supportive friend, movie and theater lover, reader, musicoholic , Pilates fan, foodie, travel loving tea drinker.

Sarit Ron is an educator, a designer, a crafter, a  weboholic, mom, wife, friend, foodie, ever-learning, shopping, travel and gadget loving coffee drinker.

Together we Pepper our surrounding with innovations, laughter and fun. Together we search for Simcha and salt…


3 Responses to “About”

  1. Ilanit Says:

    I looked though the blog – well done!

  2. shosh agasi Says:

    Sheli and Sarit
    I was happy to see your nice work.
    Keep on and “Behazlaha” to you both.
    Sheli’ happy birthday to you

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