Salt & Pilpel

Connecting Jewish Americans and Israelis in North NJ

Winter camp – Camp Shomria November 3, 2010


Yael Chamay’s Blessing for the New Year September 14, 2010

Filed under: Holidays — foundintranslation18 @ 11:34 pm
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I recently received this email from our friend and community member, Yael Chamay. It is a great read so I got her permission to post it here for you to enjoy – L’Shana Tovah and G’mar Chatima Tova (may you be inscribed for life)!

To all my friends & family

Every year a write a little something as I get inspired for the holidays , for me this is a great opportunity to vent J and share it with all of you

So yes, another year comes to an end…….

This year I have learned a lot and came to grips with many things that I want to share with you

I just turned 40……. Wow ….  A new chapter in my life…….so how come I still see this 30-year-old in the mirror? I guess age is just a mental state, just that my brain and body are not connected anymore so while I still think I’m 30, my body is 10 years advanced and going south .

I decided to let my kids do their own laundry, and not get crazy because they don’t fix their room….. what a great idea right ? Can I tell you that we have 4 baskets of clean kids clothing in the basement and it’s not moving anywhere for the past 2 weeks ? If you dare open my kids’  bedroom door you will think an explosion just occurred, there is stuff everywhere. But still I am standing strong and not moving a finger ( well almost, if I have guests I go on crazy screaming rampage )

No matter what I cook, I always get this question  “ is there anything else to eat?”, so now I answer with a smile  “you don’t like it ? the kitchen is all yours ,cook yourself”


I try to take things in a calmer mood, you see I finally understand that the world ( unfortunately) does not revolve around me , so if this is the case, what is the point of getting aggravated, I can just go with the flow and be happier or let it get to me and be in a terrible mood.

This attitude works most of the time …… except when:  I am about the get my period , when I had a though day at work, when I wash my favorite jeans and its tight on me, when my kids are killing each other…… so as you can see this new “attitude thing” works great! once or twice a month, well at least I am making progress.

For the people who know me well, you know I am a perfectionist and control freak, I will NOT do anything that requires not having my feet on the ground,

 roller coaster “NO”

 diving “NO”

 Ski  “NO” …I slide on  by butt down the mountain …..

When I  travel and the flight gets a little bumpy , I start with SHEMA ISRAEL and read Tehilim, if you are sitting next to me I will grab your arm and not let go…. Ask Mery she will rather travel alone than with me  ( Oh …. I also need to have my belongings with me and not on the overhead compartment …… just in case )

If you are anything like me , you prepare a list of THING TO DO and scratch them off as I get them done, then write it nicely again because the paper already look ugly.

If any of my kids have issues with their friends I stop myself from grabbing the phone and setting the kid straight, so I tell myself in order to avoid the guilt of doing nothing  “ they need to learn how to deal with things as it will help them mature” believe me I bite my lips and hold my breath in the process

If I want to impress in a meeting, in a speech, a lecture to my kids, or husband, I rehearse  it in my brain and then in the car all alone, so it will be effective when I actually do it

You see…..  a year ago I would have been unable to share with you all this little things that drove me crazy  but that are true to who I am and what makes me be ME .

This year I feel that it is a waste of time to judge and analyze every single thing I do,  We have to enjoy all the nonsense even if it drives us crazy, that we must laugh at the stupid things and be more humorous so we can be happier.

 You know when I came to realize all this? During this year summer vacation . One person in my life that silently showed me how…… MY FATHER , yes , he approaches life with such a great attitude, always with a joke in mind, always a funny story, always laughter, even joking about himself. We can be in the middle of Chaos and he will still have a smile .

When I look at him I feel happy, I cannot help but smile. I want to be him, as he lives life with a positive attitude and this is how we all should live.

 So I share with you the best medicine and the best Rosh Hashanah wish  “laughter” because we all need it , it is not overrated and it always makes you feel good!.

LECHAIM !!!!!!!!


Check out my Slide Show! June 15, 2010

Filed under: Events,Events Photos,Holidays — foundintranslation18 @ 12:00 am

See photos from our Father’s Day Gift preparing workshop. Thanks to all who came and made this event a fun one!


Happy Shavuot! May 18, 2010

Happy Shavuot to all of you  –


Check out our Shavuot Wine and Cheese Tasting Slide Show! May 16, 2010

Thank you to the lovely people who took part in our tasting. We enjoyed your company, Eran Elhalal’s great cheese selection and mozzarella making demo paired with Avi Ashman’s Israeli hand-picked wines and Rafi Sutton’s commentary on the wine. The discussion was lively and we all got to know new Israeli/Jewish American people!

The wines at the tasting were as follows:

  1. Yatir Sauvignon Blanc 2007
  2. Dalton Unoaked Chardonnay 2009
  3. Galil Mountain Viogner 2007
  4. Barkan Reserve Pinotage 2004
  5. Recanati Reserve Patit Syrah Zinfandel
  6. Carmel Single Vineyard Kayoumi Shiraz 2004
  7. Yarden Cabernet Sauvignon 2006

The cheeses at the tasting were as follows:

  1. Ricotta Fresca – Lioni Latticini, Italy, cow’s milk
  2. Mpzzarella Fresca – Made on site from Buffalo milk cheese curds
  3. Two Sisters Isabella, Gouda, Holland, cow’s milk
  4. Morbier, France, cow’s milk (line of vegetable ash running through the center)
  5. Tallegio, Italy, washed rids, cow’s milk
  6. Black River Blue, USA, PA, cow’s milk 


Save the date for our next event – A family hike on June 19th!